Recently, i start to wonder-What's the definition of friends?I used to have this mindset that all the people around me are my friends,my buddies,my shoulder,my listener.I wouldnt have the slightest doubts that they dont treat me truthfully.I thought that i have good friends around me.Darling always nagged me at this,cause i sincerly believed that friends should be treated truthfully,& to everyone whom i knw,whom are my dear friends,i basically did whatever i could to maintain friendships that i really treasure.But i realised,some people simply do not appreciate,while some mistakens the intention behind messages that i have given out.
Pardon for my ranting(above).

Anyway,i cleaned my room(again) & spend the late noon making sure my room was spick&span.I attempted to dissect the quilt cover which i bought from IKEA wrongly thinking that it was a bedsheet & i amazingly(tada!) turned it into a bedsheet!Lovely!

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