ok i got tons to update so shall start on monday 30th,
wanted to acc sis for counselling but cancelled headed to Cine wanted to exchange D's NUM tank top ended up met Sihui walked to CityLink so got a newpiece ha then headed to Rochor Road to eat super long since i last went there after that acc her bro to make new specs at Outram Area & headed to Taka walked around s on the way we saw 13 lambo omg ciaos then to Heeren for our dinner.Sihui treated me Shokudo hahaha we talked & laughed so much okok lets go out again ahhui & so headed back at 8plus met D he stayed over.
ok so on 31th D took leave but ended up we had to rush to hospital with Mum cause sis had some contractions we spend jolly the whole noon outside Delivery Suite cam-whoring & fooling around with the balloon for sis & the nurses were so so super irritating f up faces but i managed to get into the delievery room & acc her for an hour.D & i went for lunch & strolled ard Shannon was finally out by 3pm plus plus we saw a bunch of useless fuckers (u knw who u are) yeah so some stuffs cropped up she was sent to the normal ward after that then we acc her it was the first time really experiencing close birth it looks so scary i think i wont give birth next time but anyways Shannon was really cute she had a dimple at the side & i kept wanting to carry her hahaha was there till night Dad drove D&i back home i did all these in 2 hrs - Bathed,checked mail,packed my room(daily routine),packed my stuffs,acc D to his house,eat a little,packed his stuffs & Dad came to drive us back to KK brought food for her & stayed till 2am Dad sent us to D's hse i stayed over 7am woke up acc D's 2nd sis for her surgery at NUH with D's family i was super tired fell asleep had lunch & cab back to KK to acc sis.She finally got discharged at 5plus cabbed back,bathe & change went to D's hse for dinner cause they cooked my share! omg i've been so so busy these 2 days i think i'm falling sick my voice is super man now.sianxxxxzzzzz
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