Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Party Like a Rock Star.
headed to Redhill for Pre-Christmas Party
with Kelly,Chrislyn,Charis,Rachel,Yahan & the guys
it was quite fun though. all the food was prepared by us + me.
i cut my finger when opening the Campbell Soup Can ):
The party was quite fun.
i got my present from the present exchange-chocolates from daniel guy
after that i headed to Clementi to meet B,
& went for a Christmas Celebration Concert with B's family at his sis church
was quite nice though..


& after that rush down to Clarke to meet Jinxian,
headed to TenDimensions
Elieen&Jeremy,Vernice&gf,Evelyn&Ron were there already
after that we cut cake for Vernice & drink & we played along
hahhaa, most of them were drunk already it was raining,
Eve & i cabbed home geesh , i puked on the cab
B came over to my hse :D

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