Its been almost three months since i entered this space,& i have a million zillion things to update cause my life has been pretty happening! To start with, I managed to had my Diploma exam for piano (like finally) in Nov with tons of support from my wonderful teacher who put in much effort for such a lazy student like me muahahahhaha. As usual, term tests came in early dec with spammed mugging sessions to welcome my official start december vacation.I always love Dec since i was a kid,with lovely carols,santas,gatherings & of course the endless christmas presents.
2010 had been a pretty amazing year, & my life could be pretty much illustrated like a roller coaster ride. Ups & downs,i would say- framed my thoughts for life. I had my Final Year Project(FYP) with clique, planning an event from scratch all the way to witnessing the success of our fruits. Year3 was pretty busy with tons of site visits & endless trips to MBS/Sinema & etc, a pile of tutorials undone & confusing lectures which i either dint attend or wasnt paying attention half of the time. The vital part that sucks much for 2010 that i was down with fever on my birthday & poor me spent the entire night lying on my bed cursing & swearing.
Well, Nov & dec had been a pretty rough patch in my love life, & i was back into the real world facing betrayals,lies & jerks. I was thankful for all the wonderful friends i had, comforting me at & being there for me. Minus that part, the last quarter of the year was total indulgence in party life with my lovelies & homeground gang.
Ps: I met an amazing angel & a wonderful bunch of people that i'll bring foward tgh to 2011.